♥ Find me ♥ take me ♥ return me ♥ follow me ♥ share me ♥ feel me ♥ move me ♥
HeartVeld is a socially interactive campaign which aims to promote love, happiness and things of the heart. Messages are left in public locations (South Africa) beacuse it is an enjoyable mini experience to connect with other unseen individuals (what message to use, where to leave it, who will find it, don't be seen leaving it, photograph it, share it, smile about it). Hopefully the finder of the hearts will also enjoy and share the mini experience (what's this, what's it say, is it meant for me, should i leave it, take it, smile about it).
The photographs capture a moment of the experience and are beautiful in their own right
Share the experience - http://www.facebook.com/HeartVeld
HeartVeld: Click "Collect Me" to help me win a New York City photo exhibition and a$25,000 cash grant: One Life Photography Competition