Sunday, April 18, 2004

Lilu, born on 7 Jan 2003

Lilu is the newest addition to our family. She looks like a kitten, boxes like a bear, perches on humans' shoulders like a parrot, chases her tail like a dog, attacks her prey like a tiger and sleeps like a lion; so we named her after the supreme being from Fifth Element.

Posted by Hello
Posted by Hello

Lilu on numerology = 9
From poets to peasants, name number nine's are idealistic, believe in justice for all, are humanitarians and refuse to get tied up with snobbish attitudes or play status-symbol games. These are gentle souls who may be incredibly irritated by details, but who can always see the bigger picture and aim high in life, confident they can achieve their goals without compromising their beliefs. Name number nine's rely on brain power to get them where they want to be. Head usually rules heart, although the heart is kind and generous. They often succeed along paths that benefit others as well as themselves. Number nine's yearn to make the world a more beautiful and better place to live. They are peaceable and peacemakers, but this is in no way a sign of weakness.

Famous Nines include: Britney Spears, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sylvester Stallone, Jodie Foster.

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